Oh, look, it’s more 2020 election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia. In a consent order that just happened this week, Fulton County finally admitted that it had 3,600 duplicate ballots counted in the audit of the 2020 election, which took place in February of 2021.
FactCheck.org and every liberal news media outlet is claiming that this is a debunked conspiracy theory, and it doesn’t change the results of the 2020 election. But it does matter. This wasn’t simply an innocent case of human error, according to VoterGA.
After the votes were tallied in Georgia in 2020, Joe Biden initially “won” by just 12,670 votes. The state then did a hand recount in December, and at the end of that, Biden’s margin of victory was only 11,766 votes. That’s now Biden’s official margin of fake victory.
In plain English, roughly 1,000 votes that did not exist were somehow counted in Georgia’s election night totals. That should have been a red flag that something was seriously wrong, right then and there.
Now, what about this audit in February of 2021, in which Fulton County finally admits three years later that they had 3,600 duplicate votes counted?
Fulton County, FactCheck.org, the Associated Press, and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger all have a simple explanation for this. They say the black election workers who carried out the audit were too stupid to count. They say that the workers were just so bad at counting that they’d be counting ballots and then they’d forget how many they had entered on their tally sheets, so then they’d enter duplicate ballots.
We know that sounds kind of racist, but if you were trying to cover your butt after committing a treasonous crime worthy of the death penalty, you might say some wacky stuff too.
They say it was just human error and there was nothing insidious or dark or cheaty about it. But was it?
The devil is always in the details with these liars. In the “debunking” news stories about this consent order, they say that the error that happened during the audit didn’t matter, because the vote total was “close” to the official outcome.
Wait a second! It was “close” after 3,600 votes were duplicated by the auditors? And if this was just a simple human error, why did the election workers falsify the tally sheets in the audit?
VoterGA found 7 falsified audit tally sheets during an examination of the audit, after a court order allowed them to look at the sheets. One batch of ballots had 59 votes for Joe Biden in it, 42 votes for Donald Trump, and 0 votes for Jo Jorgenson. On the tally sheet from the audit, that was falsely written down as 100 votes for Joe Biden, 0 for Donald Trump and 0 for Jo Jorgenson.
In total, seven batches of ballots had ballot images for 554 votes for Joe Biden, 140 votes for Donald Trump, and 11 votes for Jo Jorgenson. The vote totals for those seven falsified tally sheets were counted as 850 votes for Joe Biden, 0 votes for Donald Trump, and 0 votes for Jo Jorgenson.
So… what this is really about is that Fulton County was covering their tracks after the Dominion Voting Systems tabulators invented a bunch of votes for Joe Biden out of thin air. The machines on Election Night showed Joe Biden winning by 12,670. The hand recount found that there were nearly 1,000 phantom votes in the Dominion totals.
During the audit, which was also conducted by hand, they realized at some point that the ballots vs. votes counted numbers didn’t match. That’s why they had to falsify the tally sheets. Remember: All the fact-checking liars say that the numbers from the recount and the audit were “close.” They falsified the tally sheets to invent another 3,600 votes for Joe Biden during the audit, because the number of ballot images didn’t match the number of actual votes. Otherwise, the numbers from the audit and the hand recount would not have been “close.”
If you’re thinking that 3,600 fake votes in Fulton County isn’t enough to make up the difference with Joe Biden’s “official” 11,766-vote victory, you are correct. But then… the other 158 counties in Georgia have not been audited. How many phantom votes would be in the system if Georgia were to do a statewide audit?
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It was a stated fact that many Third World countries had discontinued using Dominion Voting machines and went back to paper votes and hand counting. So WHY, with these shadow issues related to voter fraud not happening here. One of the RULES FROM THE SOLENSKY Socialism format is to delevope mistrust in elections and OFFICALS.
What a despicable Democrat c rime gang.Sad part is they are all over stealing votes because they want some disgusting creep to destroy our country.May they rot in hell
I was living in GA at the time and was already suspious of the elections there. Looks like I was right.
Really? They seem to find fraud after the fact? All of the election fraud say basement boy still won, Right! The voters know that votes for President Trump kept being given to basement boy. So how many ballots actually fraud? Remember republicans where kicked out of counting areas when President Trump was ahead by a lot. Then all of a sudden mysterious boxes and crates suddenly found and 100% for basement boy? Safest election swamp said. So if that was a fact why has the swamp gone to great lengths to attack President Trump and his supporters? What I want to know is why so many people don’t care if their vote didn’t count? If with proof of election fraud then the case against President Trump will be dropped right? Seems to me that going after your opponents just proves your guilty of something. Swamp just keeps getting caught more everyday on corruption. Honestly you don’t attack someone else or blame them for things they didn’t do is admission of guilt period. Right swamp? Think about why they opened boarder to illegals? They had to get votes sometime because President Trump beat basement boy by three to one votes in 2020 election. You don’t go after opponents like swamp has if you are not guilty. Now tell me election integrity isn’t important in our elections. What is even sadder is the fact no judge would even look at the case of election fraud. We know now the judges are corrupt also. The swamp wonders why so many people voted for President Trump. Swamp have been caught in so many lie’s and corruption that people just can’t trust them anymore. What is worse a man who people don’t like what he text or how he says something, yet brutally honest or a basement boy that has weaponized our own government against us and put our safety last. Who would you vote for? America First or other countries and swamp first. One who helps Americans first and actually works for we the people or one who sold us to China? Think of all the things republicans have been through for the last three years and what swamp has gotten by with for last three years. Republicans are being jailed for stupid things and treated like terrorist while those who destroyed our history and communities are still walking around free as a bird. Biden has been caught red handed and nothing being done about it. President Trump and associates along with family and friends are being attacked at every corner with fake court cases. When republicans play by democrats rules they call foul. Swamp can destroy records at will, while republicans better have all theirs for proof. Swamp can get by with murder then blame President Trump for what they did or going to do. A lot of swamp committed treason and are above the law. While President Trump goes by the book and they try to place treason on him. President Trump worked for the people by donating his salary while swamp just steals our money and work for other countries. Now swamp is trying to either jail President Trump or even get him killed, to keep him out of the WH. People are seeing swamp is really corrupt from bottom to top and are pissed. Democrat voters are actually ready to vote President Trump back in WH because they know the truth now. Democrats are in trouble and so they once again have to find ways to get rid of President Trump. Pretty bad when illegals who crossed the boarder are now returning to their own country, don’t you think?
I think that everything that you said is 100% correct! I couldn’t of written the truth any better!
It is funny how the Democrat thieves and the Republicans from the deep swamp are blaming always the stolen 3020 election on human mistakes and they are fast to let everyone know that the mistakes were not substantial to change the outcome. This is them spiting in the face of more than eighty million people and a blatant insult to the intelligence of everyone who has more than an ounce brain.
With all this said, I blame those in the society who voted for these idiots and put them in position of power over our life’s.
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Truth shall always prevail in time.
One term for all elected offices. no office that is elected by the people shall have more than one term only. All elected offices should be paid salary by that district in which they are elected from, no retirement or medical after finishing office of any kind except SSN Medicare when they are old enough to receive it. All pay or salary should be the average mean income in the district from which they are elected. They may receive up to 10% more if they are doing an excellent job and listening to their constituents.
The US Senate is for six years. We need to add one more senator per state and re-elect a new senator every two years. Each senator shall be paid from the district in which they are elected. Their salary should be the average salary in their district and Few percentage points more, no medical after they finish their term during their term. They get the equivalent of SSN Medicare only, IF THAN WANT TO BUY IT OK nonetheless, they buy it
the House of representative they now serve a two-year term and some states have more than 30 representative this needs to be these needs to be changed a. state should have only 3 6 or 9 representatives only, here again a new ELECTED representative will be elected every two years so the officer the representative would now be six years and no more. Here again their salary will be like the senators above
Local elective offices such as City Councilman, mayor, county representative, County Executive an other. These offices will follow the same lines in their terms and salaries as stated above.
The Democrats claim there were NO mistakes and NO fraudulent votes and NO miscounts! Those Dim lies alone make Guiliani INNOCENT of any fake election ‘crimes’!
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AND still nothing gets done about these criminals.