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Prosecutors Threatened Michael Cohen’s Family to Get Him to Flip on Trump

Michael Cohen testified under oath that prosecutors THREATENED him to get him to flip on Trump, taking aim at both him and his family.

During the Trump “hush money” trial in New York, Cohen, the former Trump attorney, revealed that he was pressured by desperate prosecutors who were willing to stoop to new lows to “get Trump.”

In 2018, Cohen plead guilty to federal tax evasion and making false statements to a financial institution regarding a HELOC loan. At the time he claimed that he pled guilty without any outside pressure but now, Cohen admits that prosecutors gave him an ultimatum to coerce him into making the plea.

The attorney revealed that he was under an IMMENSE amount of external pressure with prosecutors in the Southern District of New York telling him that if he didn’t plea guilty AND “flip” on Trump – they would INDICT HIS WIFE.

And it worked.

“I elected to protect my family,” Cohen said.


In 2019 Cohen basically became a tool of the Democratic party, testifying before Congress that Trump had carried out various misdeeds.

At the time he said that he “asked that [his] family be protected” and many perceived it as though he was seeking protection from Trump but given that it was SDNY prosecutors threatening him – it’s more likely he was actually begging them not to go after his family given that he was helping them “get Trump” like a good little attack dog.

Nevertheless, the Democrats were ecstatic to have a convicted perjurer in Cohen on their side and they fully intended to put him to work.

Staunch Biden ally Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman reportedly coached Cohen on EXACTLY what to say in those 2019 comments to do the most damage to Trump.

It’s worth noting that Goldman actually worked in the SDNY from 2007 to 2017 and still had lots of influence there when they were able to flip Cohen.

Then AGAIN Goldman coached Cohen on what to say in the hush money trial, revealing  a disturbing pattern of Democrat witness tampering that alone should be enough to get the case thrown out.

And OF COURSE, it just so happens that Goldman has paid $157,000 dollars to the political consulting firm owned by the daughter of the judge overseeing this case.

This means that after NY prosecutors – linked to Goldman – threatened Cohen and his family to get him to help them target Trump, Democrat operatives like Goldman began coaching Cohen on what lies he needed to tell about Trump.

Then to top it all off, those Democrat operatives literally paid off the judge’s family to make sure that he was on their side!

This entire thing is a SHAM and there is nothing “fair” about it at all.

Joe Biden and his loyalists in the Democratic party have turned America into a complete banana republic, rigging elections and using blatant lawfare to eliminate anyone who stands in their way!

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13 thoughts on “Prosecutors Threatened Michael Cohen’s Family to Get Him to Flip on Trump”

  1. US Dollar 2,000 in a Single Online Day Due to its position, the United States offers a plethora of opportunities for those seeking employment. With so many options accessible, it might be difficult to know where to start. You may choose the ideal online housekeeping strategy with the vs-10 help of this post.

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    1. Jim: Mafia Prosecuters & Judge should be disbarred ASAP for WitnessTampering, Voting Manipulation.Judge bribed with $157,000 thru daughter’s firm to look other way. Since 2018 Dems blatantly used Dem cover-up to target political opponents w/Impunity.StormyDaniel’s corrupt hush-money trial calls for a Mistrial.

    2. US Dollar 2,000 in a Single Online Day Due to its position, the United States offers a plethora of opportunities for those seeking employment. With so many options accessible, it might be difficult to know where to start. You may choose the ideal online housekeeping strategy with the vs-10 help of this post.

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    3. They should get rid of Cohen. He wants Trump’s money so badly that he is broke.

  2. Wow! Not surprised about Goldman. Disappointed in this Judge and SDNY prosecutors big time. Basically, Goldman paid off judge by contributing $157K to judge’s political consulting firm. I’m glad this is coming to light. Sad story really about weaponization of the legal system. This type of legal injustice needs to be fixed and Dan Goldman should not be allowed to practice law or be involved in politics any longer. Boy, “D” is for dirty when it comes to Democrats. Wow, just wow!

  3. I like it when these criminals get caught red handed when they attack President Trump. Vindicated once again. Yes, all the players involved with all these witch hunts should be charged with crimes and removed ASAP. Can you just imagine another four years of the democrats breaking laws to suite their needs? What goes around comes around. Yet the democrat idiot’s don’t care as long as they stay in power. They have to get rid of evidence that can put them in prison and even treason. Again I ask this question. Why would you attack your opponent if you really won the election?

  4. Yes, everyone we know pretty much knew that this issue regarding Trump was a sham.
    Goldman should be disbarred and arrested and indicted and prosecuted. This is one of the lowest type of crimes one can think of to attack an opponent with this type of lawfare. Also
    the Judge should also be disbarred for getting involved with Goldman and his “crooked’
    schemes and should be charged for his doing his part with this SHAM OF A TRIAL. Disbar
    all of the attorney’s on the prosecution side as well, as they were involved in this shit show
    too. Hard to accept that the Federal D A is a dirty bastard, and has to resort this type of
    lawlessness. He is the CRIMINAL not TRUMP

  5. I guess that is one way for democrats to get what they want, sick the government on a person and threaten them to lie. Ok we all understood this was happening. I think we need to clean house (government). Let’s start with all the Washington criminals. Majority charge with treason. Just find out who voted and supported democrats and rhino’s and you will get a list like no other. New rules democrats used for over last 20+ years can now be used by republicans. Good for goose good for gander. Now new rules need to be on the books to hold these people accountable. For example: AOC and her gang along with Pelosi and her gang I would start by forbidden them to serve any office no matter what office it was. Then I would take away and licenses they have and bar them from practicing with them. If they were not born here remove ASAP after their first anti-American rant like Omar. They all took an oath to work for us and all they have done is steal us blind, protect others boarders, lie to us, harm us and our country not to mention only think of them selves. We have heard nothing but no one is above the law, by these people. So time for action on the matter. I have ideas for new rules, new laws and punishment for crimes committed.

  6. All these people in Government are ROTTEN TO THE CORE. EVERYONE needs to be thrown out of whatever office they are in, arrested and jailed ! How can they look themselves or sleep at night, knowing the rotten things they are doing and saying.
    It’s no wonder all these other Countries are LAUGHING and thinking what a bunch of CROOKS runs the USA. And the American people are letting them get away with it.
    None of them are working together, ALL of them are just for themselves. It doesn’t matter if they are Republicans or Democrats…WORK TOGETHER for the Better of the PEOPLE and COUNTRY. !!!

  7. WE all know this has been going on. Lock them up and throw away the key.

  8. Charges against Trump need to be dropped and Biden and his crew need to be imprisoned. Stop this witch hunt! I’m so sick of the dems, biden and his crew ruining thus country.

  9. Can’t believe the Americans who can be bought by democrats and rhino’s. When does rule of take affect? Democrats have made their own rules and laws so now republicans should start using them against democrats and rhino’s. Criminals all of them period.

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