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Japanese Congressman Apologizes for Killing So Many People with COVID Vaccines

Indianapolis - Circa February 2021: COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card with syringes or hypodermic needles. Vaccination Record Cards will be offered with each vaccination and a reminder for the second dose.

There was a massive protest against the World Health Organization (WHO) in Japan last Friday. During the protest, a member of Japan’s House of Representatives stood up and delivered one of the most amazing speeches of the last decade.

Congressman Kazuhiro Haraguchi, who is also a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, issued a heartfelt apology to Japan’s citizens because of the COVID vaccines. Haraguchi admitted that he was part of the problem during the pandemic and that his cowardice and lies to the people resulted in many deaths from the “safe and effective” shots.

The crowd was gathered to protest the WHO’s global pandemic treaty. By the way, talks over the treaty completely disintegrated a few days ago and it is now officially dead in the water. So, that’s one less thing that Americans have to worry about until we can get suspected rapist Joe Biden out of the White House.

But back to Haraguchi’s amazing apology. Imagine if a member of our Congress here in America stood up and delivered a speech like this.

“I apologize to all of you,” Haraguchi began. “So many have died, and they shouldn’t have. When I travel around different areas, I see people who can’t stand, can’t walk, can’t go to school, or their workplaces.”


Haraguchi explained to the crowd that a year ago at this same time, he was bald and didn’t have any eyebrows. His opponent in his last reelection campaign made fun of the fact that he was wearing a wig. Haraguchi was bald at the time, he says, because he received “lethal batches” of the COVID vaccines that gave him turbo cancer. It was only thanks to aggressive chemotherapy that he was still alive to apologize to the Japanese people.

Elsewhere in the speech, Haraguchi admitted that he, along with many of his colleagues in the government, had suppressed information about cheap alternative treatments for COVID, such as ivermectin.

As we’ve noted previously, ivermectin is a Nobel Prize winning wonder drug that was developed by Dr. Satoshi Omura, a renowned Japanese scientist. Ivermectin costs about the same as Tylenol and it defeats a wide range of nasty infections. Horrible conditions like “river blindness” have been eliminated in Third World countries because of this cheap and effective miracle drug, which also has helped treat many COVID victims.

Haraguchi admits he lied to the Japanese people about ivermectin. Has your Member of Congress here in the US admitted to that yet? Or have they referred to it as “horse paste” or ignored it completely?

Haraguchi drew a huge round of applause from the crowd when he admitted that he had voted to block the use of ivermectin as a COVID treatment because it was cheap and would have “interfered with the sales of the vaccines.”

He admitted that he knows of at least three additional members of the Japanese House of Representatives who were sickened by the shots. “They are falling to pieces, some hospitalized,” he noted. However, they are too afraid to speak out against Big Pharma.

Haraguchi says that censorship efforts against anyone criticizing the vaccines are still being aggressively used. He gave an interview to the President of Channel 3 in Japan the other day. When he tried to admit that the vaccines had given him turbo cancer, the TV station permanently banned him. He’s no longer allowed to speak on one of the biggest TV stations in his country—and he’s a congressman!

He concluded the speech with a rallying cry to the crowd and urged them to vote the current government out of office.

“Let’s overthrow this government,” was the exact translation of what he said.

This was an incredible moment and an incredible speech. This may be the first time that a member of any government in the world has admitted to the crimes that were committed against the citizens during the pandemic. All the problems that he described in Japan happened here in America. People were killed or crippled by the vaccines. Dissident voices were censored. Cheap alternative treatments were suppressed or ridiculed.

It also gives us a great tool to use against our own Members of Congress. We can now say to them, “Congressman Haraguchi in Japan just apologized for lying about the COVID vaccines and getting so many Japanese people killed or crippled by them. Will you issue the same apology to your constituents right now?”

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9 thoughts on “Japanese Congressman Apologizes for Killing So Many People with COVID Vaccines”

  1. Make $170 per hour. its very hard to find jobs nowadays. In this situation, you have access to a wealth of resources to help you with your working abilities. Be motivated to promote Thousands of works such as copy paste things through job boards and career tr-03 websites on internet

    Just Take A Look At This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    1. Make $170 per hour. its very hard to find jobs nowadays. In this situation, you have access to a wealth of resources to help you with your working abilities. Be motivated to promote Thousands of works such as copy paste things through job boards and career tr-03 websites on internet

      Just Take A Look At This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  2. Good, a Japanese guy, while our fing creeps of “congress people” sit with their collective fingers up their backsides. F Washington, D.C.

  3. They should all be held accountable everywhere. Capital Punishment is appropriate.

  4. I never took the shots….My wife never did…We never had a problem…Some family members took them and had problems…I new about Ivermectin from Vietnam and had trust in that but couldn’t get it…We can go to prison for life if we were snake oil salesmen like the WHO or Dr.Fauci…They make millions and receive awards and smile real wide…All this as they give us poison…The other part of this is they are protected by the left…Vote left and die for being right….

  5. Dr. Fauchi and his band of swamp Democrats knew what was going on but ignored the facts for money. I too believe the vaccines were not tests properly and now we find out the after/side effects. Trump suggested several other medications but the Dems and their fake news said he was trying to kill people. Alll lies to line pockets of Pharma and govt. paid officials like Fauchi, Birx, WHO, etc. who backed the many lies. Good for this Japanese govt. official to come clean, admit fault and appologize. We all know who was behind the Covid money scheme and they all need to be held accountable.

    1. RIGHT ON!
      Fauci and all the swamp leftist globalist elites are completely at fault and should be punished for their crimes against humanity!

  6. those corrupt individuals are arrogant and think they are our masters. i hope they are enjoying their sick little party now, because their day of judgement is close.
    what will their money and power do for them when they are tormented forever in hell.

  7. Make $170 per hour. its very hard to find jobs nowadays. In this situation, you have access to a wealth of resources to help you with your working abilities. Be motivated to promote Thousands of works such as copy paste things through job boards and career tr-40 websites on internet

    Just Take A Look At This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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