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Huge Ammo Shortage Coming After an Explosion and Direct Joe Biden Action

A major ammunition plant in Nebraska exploded last Friday just before 10 am. Because that’s what keeps happening to major production facilities of all types since Joe Biden was illegitimately installed in the White House.

Right after that happened, the news broke that the Biden regime has canceled all civilian ammo contracts from the Lake City ammo plant in Independence, Missouri. That effectively cuts the production of AR-15 ammo in America by 30%.

What is going on? Are these just weird coincidences, or is Joe Biden weaking America to the point where it will be easy for his financial benefactors in China to just waltz in and take over?

Back in July, the largest Dow Chemical plant in the country, which is located near Plaquemine in Louisiana, just randomly exploded. It caused a devastating fire, and the plant was destroyed. That particular Dow Chemical plant makes many of the chemicals that are used in US military munitions, bombs, and missiles. With the plant offline, our ability to manufacture military munitions has been severely cripped.

At the time when the Dow plant exploded, we wondered if there was not something much more sinister afoot. Food processing plants all across America have been exploding since the start of the Ukraine border skirmish as well. Right as Joe Biden was telling Americans to expect food shortages because of that fight, food processing manufactories and plants started exploding or catching on fire.

It begs the question: Is Russia doing all this or is the Biden regime doing it to weaken America as much as possible before China seizes Taiwan?


And on the heels of all that, we’ve now lost two major ammo manufacturing suppliers.

The Hornaday Manufacturing plant near Grand Island, Nebraska was destroyed in a “fire” on Friday morning. Hornaday makes bullets, ammunition, and reloading tools. In fact, Hornaday is the largest independently owned maker of bullets, ammo, and firearms-related tools in the entire world.

Do you suppose that’s going to somehow affect the ammo supply right as we’re going into a Civil War-style national election next year? Not to mention the fact that Joe Biden seems to be actively trying to push America into World War III right now.

While Hornaday is the largest independently owned ammo plant in the world, guess what the largest government-owned ammo plant in the world is?

That would be the Lake City ammo plant in Independence, MO. The facility is owned by the US military, but Olin Winchester has the contract to make the ammo there. And the Lake City plant just canceled all of its upcoming civilian ammo contracts.

The most common type of bullets made at Lake City are the 5.56 ammunition, for the AR-15. Which is the most popular civilian sporting rifle in America. Lake City makes 30% of the entire supply of civilian 5.56 ammo in the country.

Under normal circumstances, the plant makes the ammo and then sells it to the government. When they have a surplus, which they almost always do, they’re allowed to sell that ammo on the civilian market, either directly to consumers or more commonly to distributors like your local gun or ammunition supplier.

What this all means is that Biden regime suddenly needs so much ammunition that Lake City can’t produce enough to have any excess for everyday American gun owners. Winchester has three ammunition plants in America, but the only one that makes 5.56 ammo for the AR-15 is Lake City. As Joe Biden is crippling the ammo supply, panic buying is sure to set in. Good luck finding any AR-15 ammo in 5.56 at your local gun store a couple of months from now. There won’t be any.

Distributors also can’t buy any new stock of 5.56, because there won’t be any. That means the supply will dry up quickly in gun stores as they run out too.

As the supply of ammo takes a major hit like this, the price is sure to spike sharply. We’re heading into an election year, so that always puts upward pressure on ammunition as well. Nobody will want to run out if the shadowy forces behind Joe Biden steal another election.

What do you think is happening? Is this a backdoor gun ban to make personally-owned firearms obsolete since there will be no ammo for them? Is Joe Biden about to start another war, so he needs extra ammo? Or is it something even worse?

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15 thoughts on “Huge Ammo Shortage Coming After an Explosion and Direct Joe Biden Action”

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  3. If you have any questions as if this is no mistake on Obama/Biden regime, we’ll guess again. Remember IRS bought up ammo also. Think about was has been destroyed like this since Obiden has taken office? Factor in illegals with phones and guns, irs with guns and ammo, military with hurt feelings, and who ever else we no nothing about yet. Think about what all we had before Fauci and swamp pulled the Covid set up? Remember the stock pile of baby food illegals had but we couldn’t get for our own infants? Another thing to think about is all the shootings. The swamp is setting this up also. Think about the distraction these we’re causing? While those were going on the swamp was breaking laws with no attention on them. Get ready for the battle of your life!

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  5. Omg America get ready to stand up and fight for your life. Those places blowing up is being done by our on, our on who is suppose to be for the people of the people by the people, guess that is out now. Here is our president ***He bends over backward to help China , and Iran he makes them happy. And gaves away billions of tax dollars to Ukraine. He has open up our borders letting in billions of illegal aliens to invade our country and wants to spend millions more giving them aid, all this with our tax money whom he want let help so much as one single American citizen. He will do nothing to help cut taxes, or increase energy production or lower inflation. He ignores crime epidemic that is costing American lives and destroying cities. He goes out of his way to enrich our enemies. He does everything but help American citizens. Is this a president for the people of the people by the people , is this what we want for another four years ** its looking like that’s what were gonna stay with ** this administration of democrats is destroying our great nation and anyone with half a brain can see this. The whole point is ** can we stand STRONG and get rid of this SWAMP THING that is killing us. Good lord people please open your eyes and thank ** we have to get this swamp out of our white house and out of all government offices, they all have to go. We cannot take four more years of Biden or anyone like him and all democrats our like him make know mistake. They lie every time they open there mouth , they commit crime and get by with it . Biden has already done alot of unlawfull acts while the vice president to Obama administration and he was in office for 8 years so Biden got rich real rich his family has millions of money. And now he is our fraudulent crawl in president and is full on in destroying America rich and destroying he has sold his soul to the devil and is taken every american citizen with him. Four more years ** don’t thank USA well last .

  6. They the democrats AKA THE SWAMP dirty low life, they could’nt take all the guns so they went after the ammo. Nice. !! Better run and fill up
    with ammo it want last long. The dam democrats have got to get out of office , our world can’t take no more of them. Vote all of tnem out.

  7. Well all of your comments are right but there is more to this political stage play then you think! This was all set up when Obama took office and was hiding his real agenda. It was going to continue with the witch Hillary Clinton when running but our former president Trump put a STOP to all of it! They never ever thought he was going to win but Thank GOD he did, and he exposed all of it to the smart American people that are not blind and taken over by the evil politicians in that White house. Look back when the other witch Pelosi made a comment in 2016 right in the beginning when President Trump won the presidency, and she made a statement right on national TV that no matter what it takes they are going to get rid of him! He spoiled all their plans for their agenda. Obama is running the show in Washington DC everyone knows this (that is why he has a house in Washington) if you don’t believe this then you are really a stupid and ignorant person and that is exactly what they want you to believe according to their plan with ALL these FAKE news stations constantly drilling it into your head day after day. Be smart and TURN OFF these stations people ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and bankrupt them all. Soro’s is another one that is in the shadows and is pulling a lot of these strings with the dem-o-rats. Biden is NOT my president I didn’t vote for the BUM like the real vote count of over 100+ million that didn’t! he is actually a SKINWALKER just look at him!!!!!

  8. No body and Joe Soika are both right on. People we have to get these dem-o-rats out of office it don’t take much to see that there destroying our country and worse there putting the blend on Republicans that really shows there colors. Let’s get this bunch of swamp-rats out in 24 and save our homeland.

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