Joe Biden recently quoted communist dictator Mao Zedong and it appears the socialists may have molded the feeble-minded presidential candidate into a modern-day Manchurian Candidate.
In a recently published book by Joel Pollak, called Red November, the veil is pulled back on Democrat candidates and their media-supported socialist agenda.
“Democrats are not in a mood to listen to anything that’s even close to the center. They sense a historic opportunity. They’re mad about Trump, and they’re using that anger to channel all of their Utopian fantasies about creating a socialist democracy, and the cancel culture is part of eliminating opposition,” Pollak reportedly states. “You don’t have to argue for your position — which, by the way, has never worked anywhere in the world. Socialism has always failed — you don’t have to defend it if you can just silence your opposition.”
In a recent campaign speech, Biden read from a script crafted by his far-left handlers saying, “We’ve got to get real economic relief into women’s hands now” and then quoting Chairman Mao’s proverb, “Women hold up half the sky.”
It’s only fitting that Biden starts showing the telltale signs that the radicals in the party have stolen his voice, direction, and have molded the ex-Obama flunky into a perfect anti-Democracy weapon.
“For my whole career, I wish had been labeled (a liberal) in Delaware, for the seven times I ran, as a ‘moderate,’” Biden reportedly lamented. “The definition of ‘progressive’ now seems to be changing. That is, ‘Are you a socialist? Well, that’s a real progressive.’”
While the rest of us lived through the Cold War, leaving us with a more recent bad taste of Soviet Communism, Millennials and other young voters have no tangible point of reference or experience with the diminished returns of socialism. The U.S. fake news and establishment media steer clear of reporting on the abject poverty and violent crime in communist regimes such as Venezuela, largely because they comprise the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.
Pollak points out that CNN — widely considered the leader in fake news — manipulates Town Hall political forums to pressure candidates to move further to the left.
“CNN held a lot of issue forums where the focus was on one single topic,” Pollak stated. “Those forums always pushed the candidates further to the left because the audience was always stacked with 20 somethings, who make up the overwhelming majority of the far-left, democratic socialist, group. So, the candidates who got the most applause were the candidates who said what that audience wanted to hear.”
Pew Research indicates 75 percent of voters distrust the federal government and 64 percent state the current system makes it increasingly difficult to solve the country’s problems. Socialist Democrats such as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), among others, have the perfect candidate and unhappy voter-base to upend the country, just like the Russian communist Vladimir Lenin did with the Bolshevik Revolution, and Mao did in China. Both upheavals resulted in the mass genocide of political dissenters.
AOC even admitted as much on Twitter last week. Replying to Senator Ted Cruz’s accusation that Democrats support rioters, vandals and looters, the Democratic Socialist responded, “Yes, that’s why we nominated…Joe Biden.”
Democrats have consistently sought to stifle conservative voices on social media, public forums, college campuses, and Main Street USA. Fueled by misguided anger and having been ousted as power-brokers by everyday Americans, socialism would hand them the total control they lust after.
“They’re running against 1776. They believe that revolution was inherently flawed. It was original sin. They want to undo it,” Pollak reportedly states. “(T)hey want to permanently change the American electorate to destroy the Republican Party and stay in power forever. They’re gonna make the entire country into California, basically.”