Americans Fleeing Blue States for Red States According to Moving Companies

A growing number of Americans are leaving liberal states for conservative locations according to a new report by North American Van Lines (NAVL).

“Despite the 2020 pandemic, this year Americans are following similar moving trends as prior years. Millions of Americans are moving either to start a new job or to move home,” NAVL said in its 2020 Migration Report.

The states with the most people leaving included New York, especially New York City, California, New Jersey, Maryland and Illinois.

The states with the most people joining included Idaho, Arizona, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and Colorado.


The most popular city in the report was Phoenix, Arizona, followed by Houston, Dallas, Atlanta and Denver. Notably, three of the top 10 metro areas were located in Texas.

What is the explanation for the migration from blue states to red? The report did not claim to know the reasons, but others have noted both politics and crime as notable factors.

The Daily Wire reported New York City saw a 73 percent increase in shootings in May over 2020, for example. Chicago has also faced ongoing shooting violence that has led to much criticism of Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Politics have influenced decisions as well. In California, residents faced long lockdowns during the pandemic. The state also faces the highest taxes of any states in the nation.

Instead, “open for business” states like Texas and Florida have appealed to both families and businesses looking to grow. Other locations like Tennessee and Arizona, have a combination of warm climate and generally conservative values that have attracted large numbers of movers.

Those paying attention can certainly see connections that include warm climate and conservative politics as major advantages for population growth. Other than Denver, the top-growing cities were all conservative led.

In addition, Colorado and Idaho were the only two states to include a colder climate. Instead, both states are noted Rocky Mountain states that have attracted those who enjoy the rugged outdoors.

Politically, the future looks bright for states holding to conservative values, while blue states continue to struggle. However, as long as Democrats continue to lead in the White House and in Congress, conservative policies will not be expanded nationwide in ways that help current blue states improve.

Instead, individual states will be required to fend for themselves if they wish to see new leadership. Even local level politics offer some advantages. Small towns in Illinois, for example, have largely chosen conservative leaders despite state level Democrat control.

Overall, the report doesn’t explain why people are moving from blue states to red, but it’s not hard to figure it out. People move where people feel free. Blue states are sorely lacking in this area, leading growth to move toward freedom-loving conservative destinations that uplift traditional American values.

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24 thoughts on “Americans Fleeing Blue States for Red States According to Moving Companies”

  1. California & Californians are Universally despised. This is because every where they move
    they bring their fruit & nut garbage philosophies & demonic ways with them. These waste of skin cockroaches destroy everything they touch. California is where they should stay, they are NOT welcome anywhere else!

    1. Patriot, Those fruits & nuts, you refer to started their journeys, Down the Wrong Road, way back in the 1960’s. That’s when California was The Place To Be. Wild & Free. That’s the time period when Silicon Valley (highly Chinese influenced and now Pelosi protected) began taking advantage of those free thinkers and reformed them in to obedient little geniuses. Some were sent out as CEO’s and Financial Managers to reshape corporations’ expected roles. It is not the current residents of CA; It is the strangle-hold they suffer from a tyrannical regime that is fighting for it’s very existence. The People will rise up, soon. As for demons, those entities are also present in Louisiana Culture as well at The Appalachian Mountain Regions and several First People’s Traditions.

      1. Well said. Just hope you are right. I’m from Louisiana and we have our own unique ways of life and governing. Don’t think many want to tread on Louisiana..

    2. I agree 100% we have them moving up here in Nevada and they do bring their ways with them. I think they should stay in Commifornia. They ruined their state and now trying to ruin ours. So I have one thing to say to anyone from California if you are a liberal do not move to Nevada we want our state to go back the way it was and by that I mean a Red State it would have been if the cheating demonrats didn’t steal this election.

      1. it’s a Trojan horse in the making! Once they get settled in the Red States and start enjoying all of it’s ‘goodies’, they will revert back to their liberal philosophies and want to ‘save the world’ (according to their dictates!) So, hang on we’re in for a rough ride!

  2. not ALL “CALIFORNIANS” are libtards!! I live here because my father moved here after 24 years in the US ARMY! He was a WWII VET so DON”T insult people as you have DONE ANYMORE !! BUT YOU CAN TARGET THE present chief of staff for sure the one that is promoting critical race theory in the Armed forces now !! and by the way I’m not a libtard either !!

    1. I take it you still live in California. How is that going> I suspect these people are moving because they do not like the conditions. High taxes, high crime , defund the police, The left do nothing without a reason so there is a reason for that one too. Third world condtions. Hospitals closing due to non payers influx of immigrants and poor. etc. i hope if these people move they are not liberals. We don’t need anymore dem votes for anything.

    2. AND neither am I a lib and I AM a Vet and have been in Mexifornia many times and KNOW that there are many non-libs in the state but I also know they are far outnumbered by the numbskull liberals like Newscum. All I ask is that the people leaving the blue states leave the commiecrap propaganda when they leave which has been a problem for the states they enter.

    3. We know there are a lot of true Patriot’s in California and all of you are welcome to move out of California To escape their liberal ways. We need that here in Nevada! We want our state to become the way it was a red state and we need all patriots to help us. They stole our election in 2020 and we all want the truth to be known.

  3. BOTH political parties are now comprised of greedy treacherous sellouts — both the Democrat Marxist Liberals and the cowardly Republicans In Name Only colluders. They no longer care about their constituents or preserving our Constitutional Republic, but have joined forces to turn our country into a Communist dictatorship. Our government, our law enforcement agencies, our too-powerful intelligence agencies, our courts—including the US Supreme Court—our schools, our financial system, our election officials, Big Tech, and the Main Stream Media are all on board with Marxism. Blue State inhabitants moving to Red States will not solve the freedom-crushing problems that radical leftists have created in their planned agenda to destroy our country. Our entire country must repent of it’s wickedness and ask the Living God to intervene to save our nation from destruction.

    1. As you know President Trump ( he never conceded._ ) and others dedicated to the GOP are working diligently to rid the party of the leftist rino cockroaches. He is in alaska working on Kow whatever her name is . Most Alaskans don’t want her in the GOP or where she is either.

    2. If there is a living god its inside each and everyone of us we the people. My dad warned us his children back in the 1960s and 70s this crap was coming. If we the people did not take a stand against the marxists and commies. We of course didnt. Listen. I ts time we the people stand up and be accounted.we need the right leaders put into office. Or we need to shut the hell up cause its gonna get worse before it gets better with all this sniping at each other.

  4. Yes the good news is that less population in those states can change future house and senate elections. Less people you can lose .

  5. Kathy not always that easy to just pack up and leave, if you are young and only got yourself, maybe so, but can be very hard for a lot of people do to many reason. But if they could I am sure there would be a lot more, so the next best thing is to pray and hope people will see the light and vote Trump and Desantis type of conservitism in there states, not the Mitties and the other scum bag, wishy-washy [ RINOS], give me the Trumpers, Desantis, Margery Tayler Green, what a women, [SHE COULD BE MY PRESIDENT], along with the Trump and Desantis. GOD BLESS THE USA

    1. Yes we love Majorie Taylor Greene in Ga where she is from! DeSantis and Trump any day and every day!!


  6. This Nation needs to put God back in charge, our country was founded on the Belife in God. We need to trust that God will keep us together.
    United we stand divided we fall. We are headed for a great fall, I believe there will be another Civil War. Those in Power are pushing for that War.
    I pray that God will lead us away from war and help us find a way to put an end to all this Violence and hatred with Peace. I pray that the right people will step up and lead us to that Peace.

  7. I am from Calif., it was once the most beautiful state in the Union but now it is full of trash and garbage everywhere you go. Go to the cities, watch your step or you will step in feces. Go to the beach, watch your step, more feces and needles and floating garbage in the sea. Go to the mountains, the desert the big trees, the National Parks, same story, trash all over the place. There is not one clean strip of highway or roadway in all of Calif.
    The other CRAPPY part of Calif. is not the scenery but the politics. That is really full of trash and garbage, ie. Newsome, Piglosi, Swallowell, Schitt, mad Maxine and hundreds of other commie liberturds…God help us get rid of the GARBAGE!!!

  8. Anyone claiming to be democrat should pay with their lives…they are nothing more then SOCIALIST SCUM….Only good demoshit is a dead one

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