Get ready for several years of extreme pain, America, because the Biden energy party is just getting started. As of this writing, eastern Texas, northwestern Louisiana, southern Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma are engulfed in blackouts. The past few days have been the coldest temperatures people in that region have seen in their lifetimes. And conditions aren’t likely to improve in the next week, forecasters say the regions will continue to be pelted with more ice, freezing temperatures and snow. Once again, global warming continues to over-promise and under-deliver!
Meanwhile, what?! Just two weeks ago, America was energy independent and we weren’t at risk of having the power grid in Texas overwhelmed by a hiccup in the weather. What could have possibly changed in two weeks?
Oh, that’s right! Joe Biden was sworn in and in just a couple of weeks, he’s managed to completely cripple the energy sector in America with a series of new executive orders. Great job, Joe!
You’re probably already feeling the pain of Biden’s adherence to the Democrat Party’s weird weather cult, every time you go to gas up your car. In just two weeks, Joe Biden has managed to increase the price of gasoline by 18%. Imagine what he’ll do in several years!
According to AAA, the most expensive statewide average price for a gallon of gas right now is in California, where fuel is running at about $3.48 a gallon. The cheapest is in Mississippi at $2.18. Brace yourselves, everyone!
With Joe Biden running the entire oil and gas industry in America through a woodchipper, the national average price for a gallon of gas is expected to hit $4 a gallon by the end of this year. The current national average is $2.50. So, whatever you’re paying on your monthly gasoline bill right now – expect it to jump by 60% by the end of Joe’s first year in office. Think of how the planet will start to heal, though. That’s what’s important. And all of those pipeline workers can learn to build solar panels or something.
If you don’t believe that the price of gas will jump by 60% this year, think again. Biden has imposed a 60-day freeze on federal leasing and permitting, so the price of oil has already gone up by 50%. That jump just hasn’t made its way to the gasoline pumps where you fuel up every week. It’s coming.
One oil industry insider told the Washington Examiner last week, “In four years, we made the US energy independent and denied the bad guys the ability to control global oil prices. The Democrats undo it in two weeks. Just incredible.”
Yeah, that’s one word for it.
Oh, but the Biden administration is not done yet! Remember how when Donald Trump first came into office, he ordered every federal department to trim its fat budgets by 20% by increasing efficiency and eliminating redundant federal jobs? Yeah, Joe has ordered every federal department to factor global warming into its annual budget.
Biden next suspended new drilling leases on all federal lands and slapped a moratorium on any new exploration for oil and gas in Alaska’s ANWR. Plus, he cut off funding for all overseas carbon-based energy production. US-based oil companies no longer have the backing of the US government for their investment in new oil and gas ventures outside of the US.
Now that the Democrats have seen the immediate crippling effect that Senile Joe’s cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline had on America (and Canada), they’re excited to put even more pipeline projects on the chopping block. The regime is considering shutting down the Dakota Access pipeline, the Enbridge Line 5 replacement in Minnesota (again – that’s a replacement of an already-existing pipeline), and the Mountain Valley pipeline in Virginia and West Virginia.
Since they know that the Biden regime is a bunch of sissies that can be walked all over, guess what OPEC and Saudi Arabia did immediately when Biden shut down America’s energy production? That’s right – OPEC and Saudi Arabia cut production to drive prices up even further. Where are gas prices going in just a short amount of time? To the moon, baby!
It should be pretty obvious to everyone that cutting oil and gas production doesn’t magically get replaced by solar power and windmills, just because you shut them down. Good grief – Joe Biden has nearly shut the lights off in Texas!
In case it’s not perfectly clear to everyone: If you want to live in a grass hut and fight your neighbors with a sharp stick over the last zebra at the zoo – vote for Democrats in 2022!
Biden is a damm crook Biden need in jail along with his crooked
Joe Biden Compassionate….Think So? He Killed the Bill That put a Cap on What Big Pharm could charge for insulin The Trump Exe order…Biden Removed that bill now…big Pharma Just wonder how much that cost big Pharma MIL,s…this lady son was paying typ 2 was paying $60.00 30 day….now she going have to Pay $500.00 for the same med…Biden is no friend to America..people people died before…Trump came to rescue..many will Die by Biden.. i thought you was going to build America Back Better? more jobs?
We need to get rid of this idiot and all Demonrats that have the same agenda!!
Joe Biden should have a sign on his head that says “sucker”; because that’s exactly what he is. He is obviously a puppet that opens his mouth and says what he’s told by someone else. The old man is pushing us backwards economically and morally and he’s only been in office one month. Prices have started to rise and will continue to escalate. He will continue to just cave in to left wing wild ideas. It will be interesting to see, down the road, as these new “green” jobs don’t appear, employment does not go back down to 3.5% (under Trump), gasoline, home heating oil, groceries and mortgage rates increase, how many people will own up to voting for him in this last election. These next four years are going to get ugly for the average American worker and retiree…….but will be beautiful for the southern border ILLEGALS that he (Biden) will lead to the promised land…….paid for by American workers.
I can tell you now, Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election. He would be lucky, I repeat lucky, if he even received 30 million votes let alone 80 million. Plain and simple, It was stolen from the American people. It’s just like if a teenage boy went inside a grocery store and grabbed a snickers bar and stuck it in his shirt pocket and walked out without paying for it, that is what the Demon Rats did to us. They have stolen it from the American people. The Demon Rats are devils. They are evil through and through and there is not a one of them that has any redeeming qualities. I’m pretty sure most Americans who voted for Joe Biden now regret that they did. They did not think that this was going to happen because they believed in him. They trusted a man who was a bona fide liar for over 50 years as a politician. We are all now going to feel a terrible and financial pain that will be equivalent or even worse to the latest cold snap that has hit the United States. In just 4 short years, the Biden administration and the Demon Rats will successfully transform this once great United States into a Third World Country. Thanks, Joe. Thanks for nothing.
Is this Bidens words ir obamas? The democrats are out to ruin iur country and I’d like to know why.
Thanks uncle hair sniffer! You’re doing a great job! Your a legend in your own mind!
There must be a way the conservative lawmakers and Supreme Court can oust Biden a maniac putting USA last and supporting millions of diseased illegal to destroy our country has Biden is a China ally.
There is a way, Guess what ????
Killed our dependence of energy is putting it mildly CZAR Biden killed entire nation in 1 week .
How long did it take for Sleepy Creepy Joey to sign his name on the EO that instantly put thousands of people out of a job? Maybe 3 seconds to destroy careers and an entire nation’s energy independence? Something’s wrong with this picture!
Eventually-and soon-America is going to become a sanctuary COUNTRY. The hypocrisy of eliminating the border is incredible. I bet that every Democrat homeowner in Congress has property lines on their property. Do you think that if a stranger encroached on their property by putting up a tent and camping out for a month or so that nothing would be said or done? What’s the difference between a border and a property line?
Nancy Pelousy said the Wall was immoral. Why does she have a wall around her mansion? Is it to keep people in or keep others out?
Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here”. Nancy and McConnell are responsible for the security of the Capitol. Period. The Buck stops with them. The investigation she has called for might come back to haunt her. As long as she’s Speaker of the House, she’s not going to stop going after Mr. Trump.
The saga continues.
Ousted by the 14 admendmnet sec. 3 which state:
No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
Biden/Harris admin and every communist demo squatting in congress has VIOLATED this section of the Constitution and should REMOVED/ARRESTED/TRIED FOR HIGH TREASON AGAINST THIS NATION AND WE THE PEOPLE, AND IT SHOULD BE DONE TODAY. USMC
They should all be impeached for not holding up to their oath’s taken when sworn into office. Everything they are doing, is against our Constitution.
What there doing to the constitution is wrong!We the people need to take action, but Who in our Government will start anything to take out the Trators? WHO? If any of them try, the Left won’t let ít happen, THERE in control by stealing the election? We need a new government THAT uses the CONSTATUTION as it is written! Y’all think that’s too HARD to do, JUST ask BLOW JOE TO STOP? And see how far you get?
Use the 14th amendment to remove Biden,Harris,PELOSI,and SHUMER,
Yes. Turn the tables on them using their own standards and get rid of them for once and for all. I no longer feel safe in this country.
I agree with Carole L 100%, we need a gov. for the people not for the Chinese
Great post!
Face it…China is controlling this country via the media. They own all of it. Only a matter of time before we are a communist nation….unless..we do!…. something!
When and if schools ever reopen, it might be smart for them to start teaching Mandarin! After all, Sleepy Creepy Joey is selling us out to China. I wonder if the voters who put this hair sniffing POS in the Oval Office are still thrilled. Santa Joe is going to give them a $4.00+/gallon gasoline gift. Good cheer!
Oust Biden? Then what do we have? HARRIS!
While I like that idea, the problem with it is we would have that communist Kamala Harris as president, if Nancy doesn’t decide she wants to be president herself. All we can do for now is to suck it up because it could get even worse.
Why Do We Have to PUT UP WITH THIS AMERICA HATEING bunch of , there is’n’t a word or phrase that can describe these people, people try or ARE DESTROYING THI COUNTRY??? They are REALLY WANTING& PUSHING,they know it, for TERRIBLE THINGS TO HAPPEN!!
Biden ,harris needs to be impeached now they ste ruining our great country in only 2 weeks imagine what they will do in 4 years Impeach them now Trump is our legal president We Want Trump
This is what you get for voting in obozo joe and harris dorty knees! OF COURSE THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!
Yes and I hope all that voted fot them loose every thing its on YOU DEmocrat voters all the way ,how do u feel now?
But we didn’t vote for them, the so-called deep state appointed these morons.
He won’t be impeached unless/until the American people vote Republican in the 2022 midterms. For example…articles of impeachment were presented on January 21st. Nancy Pelosi has buried them! Dems control everything except the Supreme Court. If people keep listening to CNN & MSNBC, The View, and the Late Night talk shows …we’re DOOMED.
How about impeaching the so-called ladies of The View for their participation in inciting/supporting harmful and destructive riots! They belong with Biden, Harris, Schumer and Pelosi who are all destroying this country.
Who would Evan call these beasts ladies
Democrats(communists)are destroying
The U.S.Americans must join together
and take our country back.Talk does nothing.
Let’s remove ALL of them.That’s what
American Free Liberia for.Lets get the fight
started.Somebody say 1 2 3 go!
According to Politico, it’s not just Hunter’s taxes that have caught federal investigators’ eyes. outlet reported in December: In addition to Delaware, the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York also scrutinized Hunter Biden’s finances, according to the person with direct knowledge of the investigation. The person said that, as of early last year, investigators in Delaware and Washington were also probing potential money laundering and Hunter Biden’s foreign ties. Biden said “No one in our family and extended family is going to be involved in any government undertaking or foreign policy. And nobody has an office in this place,” the president said, according to Fox. Once again issues with FBI political corruption tolerated by the Biden’s just like they tolerated by the Clinton’s. Have a question according to Hunter Biden and his now famous computer he generated enough money to fund the Biden family for 30 years and split half with the big guy! Where did all the money come from….. and why are his former partners in jail?. The real question is where has all this money gone and has it been reported by all involved? Why has this non-reporting income savant not been examined by the IRS & Inter pool and the FBI AND DOJ? is here really the smartest man the big guy knows I mean Joe Biden, sorry. If the FBI has had this computed for year the greatest investigatory agency on the planet what’s happened to the money trail? Where are results and where is the money? Why does Hunter own stock with China worth over 200 million and how much is being held for the big guy?…/biden-s-adviser-on…
great comments
the Biden family is “The Mob” and supposedly 51% of Americans dont care. Unfortunately 75 million do…..Sloppy Joe and Gang hopefully will be brought down before they destroy my families constitutional rights and freedoms. The elitists’ group of thugs eventually will be exposed….remember bullies only last so long in the school yard! Make America Great AGAIN!
To you people who believe in CLIMATE CHANGE! ARE YOU COLD? Man can not change the CLIMATE! ONLY GOD CAN! So if you freeze to death that was YOUR FAULT! Being a fool like them. Just help them get RICHER! ASK AL GORE! OWNER OF SIX MILLION DOLLARS MANSION IN TENNESSEE!
You are right on, about climate control!! God is the only one that is in control! They think they are, but He has the final say! If I’m remembering right,Biden said it’s going to be a long dark winter. With him in office it will be a long dark four years!! Justice will come, when God says it’s enough! People need to continue to stand for what is right and good, America’s legacy, in God we trust! Continue to lift up your voice for what is right, And what this nation was founded upon,the principles of God are always RIGHT. And SHAME on those who have turned their backs on the constitution and the American people! You are the ones that will have to look at yourself in the mirror every morning, knowing the hard times to come is from you backing up, not standing letting the true American people down!!! At least those that are standing and lifting up your voice will be able to live with a clear conscience! Keep fighting!!! And yes we fight peacefully, We know how, because we are Americans Patriots!!!! And proud of it!
If you knew science you should know that you can’t solve it! You were not given any information on how GOD CREATED THE EARTH! Since you can’t even explain how you are able to open your eyes in the morning after a long night sleep! You can’t even explain why most people died in their sleep! So how about cut the sickness out! And understand the MASTER OF SCIENCE IS GOD!
Dont blame me I voted trump!!!! You got what u voted for suck it up quit crying
No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
the insurrection claim against the president was actually the brain child of the liberal elitist’s. This has been in play since 10 hours after Trump was elected back in 2016. They were NOT going to fail this time around. RUIN or WIN no other strategy by the bluecoats was in place. I credit them for there Sheep following mentality to stick together to get things accomplished. Hopefully the Redcoat’s will learn something from this past election and Take them on like they need to in 2022 and 2024. God Bless America
So the question is, is the answer for someone to file a lawsuit to remove these sickos or do they need to be impeached? With the dems in the majority it will not work with impeachment. Will the supreme court hear the case? Hopefully we do not have to wait until 2022 and pray they don’t do the voting fraud mess again. Also, going all the way to the supremes would get quite expensive.
If the USA had energy independence under Trump, and the keystone pipe line was not even built, how would that energy independence change now under a new administration. So much oil on the market that there is no place to store it and old rail cars and now sailable ships are loaded and wells shut down, and no sale for oil, look at the rail cars full of oil sitting on sidings in every area of the USA. The oil companies are price gouging at this point when in 1972, oil was $70 a barrel, and gas at the pump was on average 38 cents per gallon, now oil is half that barrel and price at the pump is about $3 per gallon average.
Quit thinking people are stupid. The barrel price in 72 was $3.76 nominal price, adjusted for inflation price $ 22.21 in todays money. Go try to sell your snake oil to liberal lefties as you have no buyers here.
On That’s decision he should be removed from office for being incapable of leading the country . His mind is weak , he’s a follower and not a leader . The un-American politician’s are laughing at him , his stupidity goes far beyond those of normal men . And impeach kamala for her criminal involvement in the riots looting burnings attacking shootings , and pelosi because she lies so much her teeth want to jump out of her mouth . So who’s next on the chopping block Schumer ?
The Dems fully expect Kamala Harris to take over. She already is the one talking to presidents/leaders of other nations. Biden is just a front. It’s also apparent he is a pedophile. Harris for the criminal element. They sure rigged the election. Obviously slow Joe and company are ruled by the Chinese.
Why in the hell is congress and the rest of the Republican party allowing this crap and why hasn’t the Republicans voted to impeach this senile old odiot this is our lives we the people this senile bastard id screwing up MR.PRESIDENT trump had this country back on track like it was supposed to be this just goes to show how greedy Democrats communist criminals assholes are we the people want donald trum back that is what this country is supposed to be about is the American people not some power hungry communists Democrats criminals assholes stealing us blind congress better get off their ass and get this straightened out before we the people show them just how powerful they are witch aint much and we the people already know that the military will be definitely on we the peoples side so congress if u wabt ur job get off ir ass an get this senile old bastard out of office immediately
The Dims are in complete control as they own all three branches of Govt. Republicans are just along for the ride as they cannot out vote the Dims and the Dims know it. They have the law on their side while they destroy the country while we can only sit back and watch the destruction.
Biden wreaks the oil and gas industry. Is forcing us to use unreliable wind and solar that can’t even pay for itself. The States should just refuse to follow any of these idiot EOs and take every one of them to court and tie them up for 2 years. In that time we need to oust these climate manics, take our cities, schools and local governments back and put practical people in charge who don’t have political agendas. We had a president once who was doing this. Now we have this old fool who is doing whatever his radical handlers tell him to do.
You are exactly right !!!!!!
It should be clear to the idiots that elected Biden that the democrats who pledged to destroy America (Obama told us he was going to fundamentally change America)are doing just that.
The four radical extremists called “the squad” are marching along (Pelosi is putting them on powerful energy committees) with their “Green New Deal”, a pie in the sky scheme to eliminate our energy (coal, oil, nuclear, gas, ie., any fossil fuel) and replace it with wind and solar (Germany could prove to them that plan doesn’t work without a replacement energy source and wind and solar won’t do it). Compare Germany’s neighbor France who is almost 100% clean nuclear energy. Biden owes China big time (his whole family has profited hugely from pay and play schemes, etc.) so all we can expect from the democrats is more pain and misery. But Hey! Thats OK! 81 million democrats voted for Biden/Harris so they will get what they want regardless that anyone else realizes is a disaster.
Thanks for not using the title of “President” when you refer to this usurper tyrant. When you steal an election and are not the legitimate winner, you don’t deserve to be designated with that title.
It should be clear to the idiots that elected Biden that the democrats who pledged to destroy America (Obama told us he was going to fundamentally change America)are doing just that.
The four radical extremists called “the squad” are marching along (Pelosi is putting them on powerful energy committees) with their “Green New Deal”, a pie in the sky scheme to eliminate our energy (coal, oil, nuclear, gas, ie., any fossil fuel) and replace it with wind and solar (Germany could prove to them that plan doesn’t work without a replacement energy source and wind and solar won’t do it). Compare Germany’s neighbor France who is almost 100% clean nuclear energy. Biden owes China big time (his whole family has profited hugely from pay and play schemes, etc.) so all we can expect from the democrats is more pain and misery. But Hey! That’s OK! 81 million democrats voted for Biden/Harris so they will get what they want regardless what anyone else realizes is a disaster.
123 I’ll agree with you,we need too oust all the Democrats and not let them get away with what they are doing to this beautiful America.
Stop the hate !!!! We are Americans, every President has done good things and bad things, God said all men are created equal, let’s get with it. If we want to survive as a Democracy, we have to find a way to treat your neighbor as thyself. Stop the hate, Please can’t we all just get along.
Government control is ALL that matters.
Biden doesn’t care who or what he hurts…he is getting paid by China to screw us allover..and is doin a good job of ruining this country. .We need to to get his handlers out in the open. Then we can see why he is screwing us all over. .Obama is most likely the dummies string puller .Everything he does is what Obama would do, ..Obama want to take over the country and become a dictator….Obams brother said he was NOT BORN in the USA..A wolf in sheeps clothing, Beware!!
I see frequent comments that things will be turned around in the 2022 election. What about
the little problem with the voting machines and other tactics employed by the dems to
game the elections? As long as the left has the ability to flip votes we are screwed!
The only people that voted for Biden and his bunch of idiots are Queers and Lezbians. That should tell you what kind of people they are.They should all be imprisoned in Old Mexico
Amen! To that so all you people who voted for Biden hope each of you will regret it after you have seen what he has done to this COUNTRY,just in the two or so since he has been in Office,and it will back and bite you in the but.
Biden can call it role back, but in truth you are changing the law, it does not mater what color crayon you use to sign those executive orders.
Biden needs to roll back/change his new law back to what is was he is hearting the the people who are doing without power in this lower US freeze and the country in the long run. I do not care who you are, you cannot just flip the switch and wait for new industries to develop. Place the new industries verify they work then flip the switch. After all oil is not corona virus the needed to be pushed through the red tape.
It is time for you to resind that order you couldn’t wait to sign. You are hurting alot of people as well as businesses by the so called your plan of unifying this country. Take a good look at just Texas alone, the amount of people you put out of woe should be ashamed of yourself
You go Joe. Keep on doing exactly what you are doing now. My guess is that within 2 yrs. you will be run out of office and every American will despise you and the democrat party so much that liberal, progressive, communist can cheat at the polls all they want, however it will never be enough to overcome the visceral hatred and hardship the American people will have towards you.
If you believe that your as stupid as he is that senile SOB he does not give a dam about America are how mine people he hurts if he puts them out of work cost you a lot more for your meds, gas, diesel, food he don`t give a dam when you start paying $4.00 dollars a gallon for gas remember who you voted for. yes that stupid son of a bitch is building America to depending on other countries again President Trump had the USA energy independence in just 2 weeks that idiot has destroyed so much. HE IS THE ONE THEY SHOULD BE EMPEASHING
The price of gas where I live has gone up $0.50 a gallon in the past 2 months. Gas was not this high all of last year.
People are finally realizing what the demoncratic party is all about; it’s just too late! There will be poverty everywhere except for the elites in D.C. If Texas leaves the union, I might move there! I now understand why Regan switched parties. That party used to be for the people, not against the people of America. We need Trump back, along with term limits. And when the term is over, so is the paycheck. The previous job held before the term will await your return.
Your information on gas prices in California is wrong. I paid $4.05/gallon just last night! California depends on individual transportation because of the way it is built, so having to pay over $4.00/gallon will cripple every citizen in California!!!
I think China gave the election to Biden .That is why China is part of the Biden crime family Thanks for Hunter.
I would like to ask one question to someone
who could give a satisfactory answer:
What has happened to all of the investigations
into the voter fraud? We were given hope by
Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell
and now it has all come to a screeching halt.
Are they afraid of Dominion Machine’s lawsuits?
How are we expected to ever trust the voting
system again until these states, in question,
are audited?
Isn’t there anyone out there who can or will step up and stop these democrat/communists from totally destroying this country that so many have fought and died for?