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More than 5,600 Potentially Fraudulent Votes Cast in Arizona During 2020 Election by Illegal Immigrants

Morgantown, WV - 29 September 2020: Macro close up of the presidential choice in 2020 election on mail-in paper absentee ballot

Disturbing data out of Arizona has revealed that more than 5,600 federal ballots were cast in the 2020 presidential election in the state without any proof of U.S. citizenship – suggesting illegal votes could have helped the Democrats secure a very narrow victory in this critical swing state.

Arizona has a bizarre law which states that residents who provide proof of U.S. citizenship can vote in all elections and those who fail to provide that proof can STILL VOTE – but only in FEDERAL ELECTIONS.

This means that illegal immigrants have been very easily casting their votes in federal elections – as likely was the case in Arizona in the 2020.

When residents of the state register to vote or update their registration, their citizenship is verified through an election system that checks their driver’s license records.

Those without the proper documentation are deemed ineligible to vote in state elections and registered as “federal-only” voters.

Federal voter registration forms require those filling them out only to sign a sworn declaration that they are U.S. citizens, effectively allowing people to say “sure, I’m a citizen” and have the power to influence our federal elections.


In 2020 Joe Biden won the state by roughly 10,000 votes and these 5,600+ potentially fraudulent votes could have played a MAJOR role in that in conjunction with the other Democrat election rigging tactics like ballot box stuffing.

Fully aware of this dangerous loophole allowing ANYBODY to vote in our elections, Arizona attempted to stop it – enacting a law last year which requires counties to check federal-only voters for citizenship against multiple databases and then reject any applications for inidivuals who are NOT citizens – pretty common sense, right?

Well not according to the corrupt Biden Justice Department who, in apparent effort to preserve this all-to-easy Democrat rigging strategy, SUED the state of Arizona over the law and argued that it is “a textbook violation of the National Voter Registration Act,” in addition to being a violation of the Civil Rights Act.

Any sane government would be on board with states trying to clean up their elections by at the very least ensuring that only citizens vote in them but the Biden regime is anything but that.

Everything these tyrants do is with one goal in mind: gaining as much power as possible.

If that means importing millions of illegal immigrants – and then letting them vote in presidential elections through absolutely nonsensical laws like this one, then that’s EXACTLY what they’re going to do!

The exact number of federal-only ballots reported was 5,697 but what’s interesting is that data came from just 13 out of the 15 Arizona counties, with two of them refusing to share their numbers – how many more fraudulent votes are they hiding?

But sure, lets continue to believe the Democrats and the mainstream media when they tell us that the 2020 election was the most secure election in American history! Not a chance they would ever lie to us…right?

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28 thoughts on “More than 5,600 Potentially Fraudulent Votes Cast in Arizona During 2020 Election by Illegal Immigrants”

  1. I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do………> > >

  2. F Arizona. You can tell that is a creepy a$$ state by looking at Mark Kelly. At least Kyrsten Sinema was smart enough to decommit from the “Democrat” party.

  3. God “will” bless those doing wrong as “HE”” sees fit. “HE” will not tolerate thieves and liars.

    1. Angela , what a wonderful thought the problem is that doesn’t do those of us here and now any good. If you believe most people worry about the afterlife your sorrily mislead especially those in politics

  4. WAIT for 2024 election! We have 8 that is EIGHT million illegals that the Dems will make sure they vote!! Communist Dems will have people help them vote by mail-in ballots. If you think a Republican can win in 2024 you are naive. This is why Biden has the border open, just so Trump can not win. Now with all the terrorist and criminals here, USA has no chance to be safe. Biden took an Oath of Office where he SWEARS to protect the USA and its citizens. Well he broke that Oath on day one, so what are the consequences for doing that? If there are none, then why swear on the Bible. Now with all his corruption coming forward, this Communist is still in our White House!! Where is justice for the American people?

      1. I’m on board! After so many lies and fake elections. Even OBAMA was illegal to be president! He was NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN AND HIS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER WAS OFF A DEAD MAN IN CONNECTICUT! We all know you get BOTH from the state you were BORN IN! If AMERICAN people were smart they removed 44th from history and charge every democrats politicians that help SEAL OFF HIS RECORDS WITH TREASONOUS AND SEDITION AGAINST THE PEOPLE. And who was the LEADER? PELOSI AND SCHUMER!

  5. I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and(Q) made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do………> > >

    1. Too bad the democrats easily make us out to be a bunch of dumb one eyed rednecks because folks like william farell, although being 100% correct, cannot seem to write a simple sentence without mispelling one of the easiest words in our language.

  6. This is ludicrous – Illegal means not legal – if you are illegal – you cannot vote – drive a car – nothing – they should be deported Immediately nothing more to be said – Gone – back to where you came from

    1. At the very least, back across the border and let Mexico or Canada live with them. I personally think we need to protect our borders with armed guards with instructions to shoot anyone attempting to enter illegally, period. This would certainly slow down the illegals and the drug smuggling across our borders.

      1. When Trump was in office he had negotiiated an agrement with Mexico that if asylum was offered in any country before the US immigrants could not proceed further. When Biden relaxed border restrictions Mexico and Central American countries lessened the obligation

        1. Yes he did! And as for illegals voting, several states, incl NY and PA, check in the illegals, give them a Driver’s License and a pamphlet on how to vote. States have been told to clean up their voter rolls to remove deceased and those who’ve moved out of state. They RESISTED. But they’re OK with giving illegals a Driver’s License despite not having taken Driver’s Ed or testing. They probably tell them it’s only good for voting.. .. Have gotten 8-10 M plus got a ways in. So the Dems have no problem with the election being fraud again and keeping Biden or his ilk in charge, “voting him in” fraudulently despite it will be another fraud election if this is allowed to happen. Even a record win by Trump (again) needs to be assured by a LEGAL, APPROPRIATE ELECTION. being held in all states. We have to make sure we have legal elections and NOT ALLOW ILLEGALS TO VOTE IN ANYTHING. PERIOD. Otherwise Dems will use it to block Republicans from voting wins. We can’t wait for deportations; have to block this n I w for 2024 election and ongoing!

  7. My (more secure) vote here in Florida can not count if other states in our Republic can cheat. That makes me frustrated and extremely concerned. What can I do to contribute or offer my time or services to help correct this wrong. Without fair and secure elections nothing else will matter.

    1. Request that YOURS AND ALL STATES VOTER REGISTER ARE UPDATED A ND CURRENT. Fraud starts at the STATES reister

  8. Don’t forget, the ILLEGAL Governor of Arizona was the Secretary of State! SHE ran the election for Arizona, even though she was on the ballot, running for Governor! She rigged the election for the demonrats with the help of her co-Horts. She did not legally win! She should be removed from office and the REAL winner, Kari Lake should be put in office. I think anyone rigging or trying to rig an election should lose their citizenship and be imprisoned for life.

  9. It’s a well known but ignored fact that Demonrats have been cheating for decades and nothing ever gets done about it.

  10. We had legitimate voting for hundreds of years and until the Covid pandemic had to vote in person with ID. But the Communist Democrats jumped on this crisis to basically destroy the security of our elections along with playing the race card and having the tech companies and News companies spew propaganda and causing chaos. The minorities had no problem getting drivers licenses or getting anything they needed before Covid. They did it before they can do it now! Biden, Harris Pelosi, Schumer and Governors like Newsom all need to be impeached or removed immediately, they are Criminals and/or traitors.

    1. The election between Nixon and JFK was very close. LBJ told them he’d get them enough votes to win IF they’d have him run as their VP. They reluctantly agreed. JFK did win, by a very narrow margin, with a surprising amount of DEAD voters voting heavily. The FBI came to Nixon after he “lost” and told him of the fraud and that he’d actually won. They were prepared to pull Kennedy out and press charges. Nixon DECLINED, saying if it was found to be fraud and overturned, citizens would lose faith in the elections.
      It is unfortunate Nixon didn’t have them removed, because if you don’t call out and punish illegal actions or abuse, IT ESCALATES. ALWAYS. Which is where we’re at now, including prosecuting those who claim fraud occurred, from the President and on down to US.

  11. We all know the only way democrats win is by cheating and that’s a fact. The reason President Trump won because Hillary just knew she would win hands down after telling all those lies about him. Well when you call Americans deplorable’s you have no chance, besides her lies it was also her corruption. Yes Obama lied about birth certificate and swamp lied for him. Now more of swamp is helping corrupt government by giving illegals DL’s and social security cards so they have what they need to vote for swamp in 2024 because of how many Americans voted for President Trump in 2020. If President Trump didn’t win why are they attacking him so bad and why are they brining in illegals to vote for them? Why is everything illegal that swamp wants yet what are legal and our constitutional rights wrong? Swamp makes rules up to fit their needs even though they are suppose to obey laws. I guess the swamp and puppets are above the laws. All I have heard was lies from swamp for the past 20+ years. If you really won an election why would you bring in illegals to vote and try everything to take out your opponent including calling for his death? So much for safest election ever right Pelosi? Wonder what would happen if we the people stop paying taxes that are making swamp richer and supporting illegals fully while we suffer? Maybe by shutting everything down will make a statement also. Why work out butts off for everyone else to live better then me and my own government attacks me? Can’t even rely on our military because they just equipped other countries instead of making sure I am safe with a secure boarder. Treason comes to mind again and again. Can’t count on our elected officials to protect us and do what we want so have to start doing for ourselves and hold corruption accountable ourselves. I don’t like being cheated or used by anyone. Maybe our government needs a lesson on who works for who and all the money needs paid back by them not us. Does the swamp look over their shoulders at every turn? Time to play by swamps rules, we have learned a lot from what they have done and to whom. They think we are all stupid and will just roll over and obey. Not on your life. Pandora’s box has been opened by swamp now live with it.

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