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Elections Clerk Turns Whistleblower After Stumbling Upon Democrats Viscous Plan to Get Votes This November

A former elections clerk for a suburb of Detroit, Michigan has revealed a major criminal enterprise used to rig elections – for the Democrats, of course. August Gitschlag served as the Hamtramck clerk from 2013 to 2021 and he’s warned that CITY OFFICIALS have been illegally trafficking ballots and going door-to-door bullying voters into handing them over. “These guys go door-to-door and they take peoples’ ballots. They bully them into giving their ballots over,” said Gitschlag “They’re harvesters.” Ballot harvesting is ILLEGAL in Michigan, though that certainly hasn’t stopped it from being the state with the most corrupt elections in ...Continue reading

Donald Trump’s Incredible Economic Vision for the Future of America

President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Economic Club of New York this week. In the speech, he laid out his economic vision to Make America Affordable Again. The underlying message of the entire speech is that we do not have to accept mediocrity, national decline, and unaffordability as a people. All the economic misery we are living through right now is being intentionally imposed on us. We all sense that things can get better for Americans. But how? Nobody in power seems to have a plan or even care to try to formulate one. Donald Trump does have ...Continue reading

Natural Born Citizen Lawsuit Against Kamala Harris Appealed to the Supreme Court

Fun fact: Kamala Devi Harris is named after a pagan Hindu demon that is devoted to war and blood sacrifices. Another fun fact: Kamala Iyer Harris (her legal name on her birth certificate) is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, and therefore is not constitutionally eligible to run for President. A New York attorney has filed a lawsuit to have Kamala Harris kicked off the ballot in his state in November because she is not constitutionally qualified to be president. That case is being appealed to the US Supreme Court to ask for an emergency hearing ahead of ...Continue reading

Politico Comes to an Election Conclusion Conservatives Have Been Touting For Years: Election Fraud is Real

After the 2020 presidential election we were force fed a narrative by the left-wing, Biden supporting media, that it was the most secure election in American history despite anybody with a pair of functioning eyes being able to see that it was very clearly NOT. Still, this official narrative from Deep State operatives within the federal government has been one that we’re simply not allowed to question, otherwise Joe Biden’s AG, Merrick Garland, will arrest you, get you fired from your job and ruin your life publicly in every way imaginable. But if that was true, if the 2020 election ...Continue reading

Biden’s DOJ Used MILLIONS in Taxpayer Money to Pay Off Deep State Operatives Involved in Trump Take Down

Kash Patel is the former Deputy Director of National Intelligence under President Donald Trump and he recently revealed something which President Biden’s DOJ hoped NOBODY would ever find out they did. Patel appeared on a podcast called the “Shawn Ryan Show” where he touched on a number of things – from the Deep State, to the collapse of the Democratic party, to the 2024 presidential election. One of the biggest bombshells to come out of that interview was that a pair of FBI agents who conspired to keep Donald Trump out of power in 2016 were just REWARDED by Biden’s ...Continue reading

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